Fall Home Maintenance Tips

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As the season change, so does our home’s maintenance. With winter around the corner, now is a great time to catch up on necessary home maintenance to ensure the season goes as smoothly as possible. We have listed some simple yet important things to inspect, repair, and replace to ensure that your home is ready for the season change.

Now take a deep breath because it’s time to address some of the dirty details. If you want to avoid some major problems in the future, this is the guide for you.

1- HVAC System Cleaning

HVAC systems include the furnace, air conditioner, and ventilation system. Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your HVAC system in top shape. Fall is the perfect time to get rid of the built-up dirt and debris accumulated throughout the last season. Thorough cleaning will improve the unit’s lifespan and reduce utility costs.

Set up an appointment with your local HVAC maintenance company. They’ll come in, inspect the entire system for any problem areas, clean up your unit with specialized equipment, and put together a maintenance plan to keep you nice and cozy all winter long. Some important steps of HVAC cleaning are:

Outdoor unit Inspection:  Check the unit for any obvious signs of damage, look for loose bolts, cracks, excessive corrosion, and rust and do necessary repairs. Cover and wrap the outdoor air conditioning units for protection while it’s not in use.

Duct Insulation: Ensure all the insulation around the ductwork is intact and fair. If you have blown-in insulation, it will need to be removed and replaced with new insulation.

Thermostat calibration: Ensuring your thermostat is calibrated correctly and the heating and cooling system is running as it should.

Filter change: Dirty filters are responsible for shortening the lifespan of HVAC systems and high energy expenses. Make sure all the filters are clean to get satisfactory ventilation in your house.

2- Duct Cleaning

Some homes have more dust and allergens circulating in the air ducts than outdoor air. Since warm, moist air creates the perfect environment for mold and bacteria to grow in your ducts, it’s important to have the ducts cleaned before the start of the heating season.

Professional duct cleaners in Virginia Beach use powerful vacuums and specialized tools to remove the debris and sanitize the ducts for better indoor air quality. Clean ducts improve the efficiency of the HVAC system and promote a healthier living environment inside your home.

3- Dryer Vent Cleaning

Winter means more woolen clothes and more moisture in the air. If you don’t have your dryer vent cleaned before winter, you are asking for trouble. Clogged dryer vents are a serious fire hazard for your home.

You’ll need professional help to ensure all the lint build-up is cleaned. It is recommended to clean the dryer vents at least once a year.

4- Air Filter Replacement

Every air filter in your house trap tons of dust, allergens, and organic particles and saves you from potential respiratory problems. But when these filters become clogged because of overuse, they do more harm than good.

Toxins such as inks, paints, and other chemicals can accumulate in the filters and pose a health risk, especially for people suffering from allergies. Some furnace filters can be vacuumed, but most need to be replaced with new ones. It’s recommended to replace your air filters every six months or when you notice a drop in airflow from the vents.

5- Chimney Cleaning

There’s nothing cozier than a crackling fire when the temperature dip. But before you get ready to build a roaring fire in your fireplace, make sure it’s clean. All the soot and ash that goes into your fireplace build up in the chimney and form a layer of flammable creosote, which is a fire hazard. So, inspect the firebox and smoke chamber before lighting the chimney, and if you have more than one-fourth inch of creosote, it’s time to clean the chimney.

6- Inspect Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Fire and carbon monoxide detectors save lives, and they are especially vital when the heaters and chimneys are on in the winter. First, change the batteries of all devices and test the detectors to ensure the sensors are working properly.

7- Repair Air Leaks

Almost seventy percent of your energy bill in winters accounts for heating your house. Cracks or gaps around windows and doors can make a huge difference in your energy expenses. Take a closer look at the entry point of cables, insulation, pipes, and electrical outlets. Seal the gaps with a suitable caulk and repair weather stripping around windows and doors. This small but effective fix will definitely help you trim down your energy bills.

8- Repair Your Roof

A properly insulated and sealed roof is a must for keeping your house warm during winter. Closely look for any loose shingles, cracks, and leaks around the roof. Fix these small issues before chilly winds come your way. Also, make sure to check the attic insulation, garret, and other little corners to detect potential trouble.

9- Clean Roof Gutters

Gutters drain tons of melted snow and rain in winters and save your home from some serious damage. If you have lots of trees by your house, it’s time to clean the leaves and twigs clogging the gutters. You can use long pipes or pressure washers for this job. Also, keep the downspouts flowing to prevent damage to your house foundation.

10- Winterize Outdoor faucets

When the temperature dips below freezing, water inside outdoor faucets and pipes expands and burst the pipes. To avoid this, turn off the valves leading to the outside faucet, and drain the water from the pipes.

Keeping your home safe in the harsh winter months calls for some serious preparation and maintenance. But, by following these simple tips, you’ll be able to protect your house from major issues and potential damage. And of course, this will help you save money on energy bills that you can spend on more pressing matters like holiday shopping.

 Call Universal Insulation Doctor today to learn more.

